Embracing the Awkwardness

I’m often surprised by what my students remember me saying. Last semester I briefly mentioned in a chapel message that we should “embrace the awkwardness.” After a (legitimately) funny post on Facebook I quickly have become a spokesperson for awkwardness.

It is helpful that I have numerous stories and illustrations from my own personal experience. I really do feel that I have a unique expertise when it comes to embracing the awkward.

Now, personalities are not sacred, and I am convinced we can and should change when our personalities hinder us from doing the work God has for us. However, there are aspects of our personality that we need to understand, chuckle at, and embrace as a part of who we are.

As we’ve been going through different passages in the New Testament I’ve realized that the Book of Acts is really a collection of awkward characters in awkward situations. Sometimes they respond well; often they don’t. It reminds me that in awkward, unsettling situations, our attitude and response is what is important.

Since I first mentioned this phrase it has become a running joke. It is my goal to embrace this honorific title and help my students see that God specializes in using those who are awkward.

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