Ministry Update and Looking Ahead
Hello All,
Here’s a little year-end wrap and look forward to 2025!
We had a great fall semester at Frontier School of the Bible – Chuck is teaching Missions classes, and I still teach the Christian Women’s Practices class. Chuck is also in charge of music for the students’ evening chapels, and I have a new group of students for the Frontier Chorale and Drama team to direct in their program that will travel around to churches in the spring. We are enjoying presenting an adaptation of the Charles Sheldon work, In His Steps.
Our home life is busy as well – Anjali will start her last semester at FSB in January. She is living at home rather than in the dorm (and bringing a college friend to live with us this semester as well!). Asha is in 11th at Southeast High School, Elijah and Diya are homeschooling 8th and attending a co-op in Cheyenne! Asha and Diya also play volleyball with our school district, and Elijah plays basketball, so there are lots of practices and games!
At the TBM home office, we’ve had a lot of missionaries to host for meals and visits, Chuck and I travelled in the fall to visit several TBM missionaries, and we took several FSB students to give them a peek particularly into church planting in Utah.
Chuck is hard at work on some exciting new projects for TBM that we hope to be able to share about more during the upcoming year, and he has been very thankful for the help of intern couple Colby and Emma as they work with him on these special projects! The year ahead with TBM will be a very busy one for travel. This year marks an incredible 40 years (!) for TBM, and we will be celebrating all over the country. We’ve had faithful churches and individuals as an integral part of Tentmakers for so many years, and we want as many as possible to be involved, so be on the lookout for a banquet near you!
We’re so thankful for God’s goodness and sustaining grace throughout this year, and for the ability we have to look with joy toward the future, because we know that His well of grace never runs dry! We pray that we will take every opportunity to share that goodness of God and life-giving grace with others in 2025, and that you will, too!
Prayer Points
- Chuck’s current projects to be finished in good time and become the useful tools we envision
- TBM 40th anniversary banquets to be encouraging and fruitful
- Connie’s chorale/drama team program to be a blessing to churches and a productive outreach for FSB
- Wisdom for day-to-day interpersonal communication/teamwork to be God-honoring and effective
- Wisdom for parenting – ALWAYS for parenting! 🙂
Thank you for praying, and for being a blessing to our family!
In Christ ~ Connie (for all)

Two of our TBM MK’s studying at Frontier, Charissa (from Trinidad) and Masha (from Russia)

Connie with some of our students who came with us for BMW’s AdvanceUtah conference.

Chuck with one of our missionaries, Bill Bagley, who is church planting in Montpelier, Idaho