About Our Family

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We are so blessed to be in ministry! Over the years we have experienced God’s faithful provision and have witnessed the transforming power of the Gospel. A key word in our ministry is “facilitate.” We believe this word defines the current era of missions. Western missionaries have the unique opportunity to serve our brothers and sisters by helping them reach their communities for Christ.

Chuck, originally from Utah (Kaysville Bible Church, Kaysville) and Connie, from Idaho (University Bible Church, Pocatello), have been married 17 years and have spent the majority of that time involved in ministry in South Asia. With four kids born overseas, we’ve enjoyed an ever-expanding ministry!

We have been back in the US for almost three years. God moved us to LaGrange, WY where our mission (Tentmaker’s Bible Mission) home office is located​. Chuck serves as the Director of International Training Development. We also teach at Frontier School of the Bible.

LaGrange, Wyoming is our home, but the world is our mission field. In the years to come we will be based in LaGrange, continuing to teach and mentor Bible school students, while working with TBM (Tentmaker’s) developing training resources and implementing training programs with missionaries around the world!

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Latest posts about Mathias family adventures!

How firm a foundation? #2

Here are some highlights from our recent progress on the house. We have the footings poured! We praise God for each step. We want to especially thank all who helped: […]

Unless the Lord Builds the House

Hello loved ones ~ We are thankful to be approaching spring!  We had about a week that felt like spring before the giant storm with record-breaking snowfall!  Now we’re anxious […]

Update Video from the Mathias Family