Hello loved ones!
Thanks for your prayers regarding the new property!! We closed on it last week, and we are so thankful for this provision. Two lots adjacent to our current property is a huge blessing! We will update as plans progress and we figure out a plan for this new place.
Also, thank you to all those who helped with expenses of sending ALL FOUR kids to camp this summer. It’s hard to believe the twins are “camp age.” They all had a great time at Pioneer Bible Camp.
We are currently busy prepping for the coming school year. Homeschool for our kiddos is always interesting. This year we venture into new territory… High School! Also, we’re always revamping/improving our material for our classes at Frontier School of the Bible. Chuck will teach OT Survey this semester, and I will be teaching English.
Another new endeavor at FSB is (possibly) leading a small group choir. Since the choir director moved away to pastor a church a few years ago, the school hasn’t had a music group to visit churches and share about FSB. I’ve been asked to head it up, providing we have student interest. I’m excited for the opportunity. It will be a challenge, but I look forward to working more closely with a small group of students, and giving them a place to use their gifts!
Chuck continues his weekly business meetings in Cheyenne, reaching out to many within that group. It has been a great venue for making connections and having great conversations. (Though it has left him with more website requests than he can take on!) There are others here in LaGrange we have a desire to minister to, and we’d love prayer for these “casual” friendships to blossom into solid relationships where God could really use us in the lives of others.
Chuck is busy at Tentmaker’s Bible Mission with his role as assistant director. He’s been helping to facilitate some short term missions trips for several who are exploring the mission field right now. The International Training Program is also still in the works. Please do pray for the development of this program to be completed as we foresee it being a great tool for TBM missionaries all over the world! He’s getting a better picture of what being executive director will look like including visiting churches that support TBM missionaries, and working with missionaries facing different challenges in their fields.
Finally, since reading, studying, and finding excellent resources is such a part of Chuck’s life and work… I thought it would be fun to add to our updates some recommended reading or resource that we have appreciated. It could be a classic, or something we’re currently using, or have recently discovered! This time we want to share the book…
By This Name, by John Cross.
This is an excellent Bible study tool that puts the big picture of Scripture into sharp focus. Excellent to use with someone with little/incomplete Bible knowledge who needs to see how it all points to Christ! You can download a free copy at: free.goodseed.com/btn
Thanks for the love and support. We are so blessed by your faithfulness and for the knowledge that we have you “in our corner.” God bless you as you enjoy the rest of your summer!
~ Connie (for The Mathias Six)